Sat – March 4, 2023

Decolonization in Jazz

15:00-17:00 – Aula

Input presentation and panel discussioN

The theme of cultural appropriation came to a boil during the summer slump of 2022 and has been on everyone’s lips ever since. On this Saturday, Jazzwerkstatt and Swiss Jazz Days take time to discuss how we as a scene want to deal with the toxic legacy of colonialism. After an input presentation, a panel discussion and a Q&A session will approach the topic from different perspectives. We’re creating an open discussion so that within the music scene we can listen to each other and learn to understand the sensitivities and needs of the various stakeholders.

Apiyo Amolo und Simon Petermann

Panel discussion
Reverend Scotty Williams (Pastor und Musiker aus St. Gallen und Louisiana, USA)
Barbara Balba (Leiterin des Bereichs Music in Context der Hochschule der Künste Bern)
Afi Sika Kuzeawu (Musikerin, Journalistin)

Apiyo Amolo (interkulturelle Mediatorin)

Curated by Aline Meyer, Naïma Esther Kouma-Fing Bereté, Yvonne Apiyo Brändle-Amolo

A coproduction of Jazzwerkstatt Bern and Swiss Jazz Days

Note: We will be conducting this discussion with the utmost respect, but it will not a safe space for those affected. The event will be held in English with simultaneous translation.


20:00 – Turnhalle

Photo: Krzysztof Jaworowski

The Bernese jazz flutist Nancy J. Meier has creates a previously unheard-of format: flute quartet with drums. To make this possible, Meier brought on board the Berlin drummer and German Jazz Prize winner Tilo Weber. The wild, interwoven rhythms become increasingly colorful and the combination develops into a strangely graceful blend of happiness and thrills. NANCELOT enchants its audience with ingenious interactions and great joy in playing. Composer Meier and her refreshingly agile colleagues are only too happy to spin musical wishes and weave their way through a vast labyrinth of notes. The quintet plays not only written composition, but also dares to fearlessly penetrate the improvisational depths.

Nancy Meier (fl), Anett Kallai (fl), Eline Gros (fl), Camille Quinton (fl), Tilo Weber (dr)

SDK Ensemble

21:15 – Turnhalle

SDK “Sudaka meets Heidiland” is a way of celebrating, a way of listening, a way of gathering, an aesthetic, a concert series. Promoted by TVL rec and NEUE NUMERAL, the team of Cyrill Ferrari (CH), Lara Alarcón (ARG) and Violeta García (ARG) curate, host and organize a series of events and a festival in which they invite South American and Swiss artist to encourage a crossover within their cultures and artistic perceptions. SDK offers community, encouragement and support. For this opportunity, they invited Swiss and South American performers and composers to present for the first time an SDK ENSEMBLE at the Jazzwerkstatt. Trying to capture the curatorial essence of the concert series, the ensemble will perform a collection of compositions by the SDK team.

Lara Alarcón (voc/electr), Michael Cina (dr), Cyrill Ferrari (b/g), Violeta Garcia (cello/electr), Camila Nebbia (ts), Kevin Sommer (cl)


22:30 – Turnhalle

SKYLLA is a mythical three-headed sea monster. Bass guitar harmonies and polyvocal singing tell antihegemonic tales — of secrets, dangers, and dark nature, of intimacy and the power of union. Are we listening to a parallel world or accessing a deeper consciousness? What’s clear is that the world needs SKYLLA.

Ruth Goller (voc/b), Lauren Kinsella (voc), Alice Grant (voc)


The Mad Laboratory of Anti-Matter

23:45 – Turnhalle

Let’s imagine that Dr. Emmet Brown, Prof. Sybill Trelawney, Daniel Düsentrieb and the Muppets’ Animal formed a band. Which, in a way, is what happened. Especially for the Jazzwerkstatt, multi-instrumentalist Nadia Daou and Beritu-based clarinetist Paed Conca have expanded their new duo to include Lebanese guitarist Anthony Sahyoun and drummer Akram Hajj. Resulting in an angry quartet for crazy times, playing happy music for irritating people, raw and unfiltered.

Nadia Daou (time machine/voc/electr/drum machine), Paed Conca (cl/electr), Anthony Sahyoun (g/electr), Akram Hajj (dr/perc)



01:00 – Turnhalle

Photo: David Campesino

How to transform the rhythmically complex state of things into speculative, forward-thinking and innovative Beat music of the twenty-first century? Through improvisational concepts and latitudes within multilayered structures, with a synthesis of acoustic instruments and electronic soundscapes, this group creates their music with all their intersecting influences, personal habits and true emotions. In the end they call it Subwater Beats, a positive, intense, floating, fat, humorous, emotional, fluid, diverse fields of sense affecting, rich, hopefully not boring but heartening new insights containing, eventful, moving, vulnerable, post-contemporary, challenging, creative and fun music with and from three clearly political personalities.

Jo Wespel (g/fx/comp), Felix Henkelhausen (b/fx), Max Santner (dr/fx)



02:00 – tba
